Increase Sales

Increase sales using digital marketing.

Why would we use digital marketing for sales?

The number of people in the world these days who use social media or even just the amount of work that requires technology is vast. Almost every person you know probably has a smartphone or some computer. Technology these days is enormous when it comes to anything. Whether with your job or going to school, the technology always seems to be required. In addition to this, 72% of Americans use social media. Then roughly 80% of Americans 18-49 years of age use social media.

Different ways we can market things digitally?

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Sponsored website marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Pay Per Click
  • Email Marketing
  • Review sites

How to market with social media.

As previously mentioned, 72% of Americans use social media. So effectively, if you were to advertise yourself using social media, you would reach a little over 1/3 of America’s population alone. The most popular social media sites are Facebook at 69% and YouTube at 81%. With this in mind, you cannot only market using social media, but you can also target your audience more accurately.

This makes it so that instead of wasting your time and money advertising your product to anyone. You can use social media to target the perfect age groups. If you had a company that made toys for kids, you would advertise it to possible parents or even kids in the age group interested in your toys. Or, if you made custom parts for cars, you could promote it to people who follow different car pages. Following this, 49% of internet users are likely to purchase from brands that they see advertised.

Sponsored marketing using influencers.

Outside of just posting ads on social media websites, another way to use social media is through real influencers. Without the influencers on these websites, the actual website would be nothing. Most people who use social media follow the things that interest them and the influencers they enjoy watching or seeing, so having these influencers promote your brand or product would be helpful, if not more than just regular ads. 81% of people said they trust an influencer’s recommendation more than a celebrity regarding the consumer side itself.

Online Digital Channels

Before I purchase any product, I always look up reviews, whether a game is good enough or if the shoes I want to buy are worth the price. With that being said, Instagram is used by 79% of Americans in the age group of 18-29 and is also the preferred platform for people to engage with influencers, followed by Facebook and YouTube.

Video Marketing

Another way for a brand to market its products or services digitally is through video. 86% of businesses use video to market, but 92% think it is an integral part of using video marketing. The impact that video has on the user is enormous, with 80% of internet users remembering a video ad they had seen in the last 30 days, while 46% of people took action after seeing the ad. The additional publicity that video seems to give people is already a huge plus to any company. Being able to linger in people’s minds for a month and possibly provide them with the chance to further market your ad by just talking to friends or family about it.

The gain in video marketing

There are a lot of positives that come from marketing using video, the first being that 87% of marketers say video has increased traffic, and 82% say that it has increased dwell time. Also, 94% say it helped increase the understanding of the product or service they are promoting, and 81% say it directly helped increase their sales.

Customer side

Just like when it came to using social media influencers, 88% of people are more likely to buy a product after seeing a video of a brand’s service or video. In addition, people are twice as likely to share the video over any other content, including social media. People also said they would learn about a product through a video instead of any different outlet.

Pay Per Click ads

Pay Per Click ads focus on the brand paying for an ad on a platform, whether it’s Google or Facebook, and pay them whenever someone clicks on their ad. With that being said, if you were to type anything into a search bar on Google, you are likely to see an ad relating to or about the thing you are searching for. This leads to 41% of clicks going to the top 3 paid ad spots and 46% of people not telling the difference between an ad and the actual organic search results.

 Pay-per-click ads are suitable for selling your services or products and brand awareness. Pay-per-click ads can increase your brand’s awareness by 80%. In addition to that, according to Google, on average, if a company spends one dollar on a pay-per-click ad, they usually get eight dollars in return.

Email Marketing

The next type of digital marketing I will be going over is Email marketing. Like it says in its name, Email marketing is just marketing using email. When you go to any store that offers a membership, generally, they will ask if you have or want to make an account with them. This leads to you signing up and possibly choosing to opt-in or out of emails for ads and promotions that might be going on. This is the gist of email marketing.

Email Marketing can affect sales!

When it comes to Email Marketing’s effect on sales, 59% of marketers say that email is their most significant source of ROI and as much as a 760% increase in revenue. Not only that, but 80% of Americans check their email at least once a day, with even others checking their email multiple times throughout the day. Then to even further add to how helpful Email Marketing can be, in a survey, 59% of people said that marketing emails even influence their purchasing decisions.

Now that was mainly the positives in the ad side of Email Marketing. With Email Marketing, you can do more than send ads or promotions. With Email Marketing, you can send newsletters about possible company changes or any news that the reader might find interesting. This way, they always stay updated on any changes that they might see the next time to go shopping at your business.


Then another huge thing is surveys. Doing this allows you to have a way to communicate with the customer without them needing to be physically there. This way, they may feel more comfortable talking about the negatives or positives they had experienced while shopping or getting serviced by your company. To add to customer feedback, customer loyalty is a great thing for which emails can make a difference. Letting customers know that you appreciate them is always a great way to get them to continue shopping at your business. In addition, 62% of consumers said that email is one of their top ways to communicate with small businesses.

Then to top it all off, email marketing is also very budget-friendly. Depending on what you are looking for or the number of emails you are planning to send, the prices can range from 20 dollars a month to 1000 dollars a month. Increasing or decreasing how many emails or services can drive that number up or move the number down. There are many companies that you can hire to do email marketing for your brand, and there are many sites that can show you the average pricing that different competitors might be able to give you.

Review sites

Like social media, review sites play a significant role when someone chooses to shop or eat at a place. Like me, 92% of consumers read online reviews about a business, and 91% look up companies online. I know that in general, when even my friends or I go out to eat somewhere, we always try and search up places that have 4–5-star ratings.

With that being said, 94% of consumers say that they would buy from a business with 4 out of 5 stars, while only 57% would buy from a place with 3 out of 5. That’s a 37% decrease solely because of a 1-star difference. These slight differences in reviews can make a massive difference in whether or not you will find a customer. On top of the vast percentage difference, 67% of consumers will not buy from a business with 1 to 3 bad reviews. People get turned away from just seeing 1 to 3 bad reviews, which shows how powerful reviews can be when increasing sales.


These are the most significant things that make a difference in driving brand sales with digital marketing. Whether it’s something as simple as making a google pay-per-click ad or even making a video about your product or service, they all make a huge difference. Just looking at the return from pay-per-click ads or even the amount of publicity it brings is enormous. Using emails to market or interact with your community can add even more publicizing your company.

The digital market can make a massive difference to your brand’s sales if you do it in the right and most effective ways. Using social media to market your brand can make a gigantic difference in accurately targeting your brand or product’s age group. Or even something like using an influencer to spread your brand’s name can give your brand a considerable boost.